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Sunday, June 18, 2000
Last modified at 6:02 p.m. on Friday, June 16, 2000
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Lubbock churches and worship facilities

Maranatha, 7505 Ave. U, 745-4424, Aubrey Irons, pastor.

Quaker Avenue, 4320 53rd St., 792-9508, Bob Bohannon, pastor.

United Church of God,1926 66th St., 798-1075, David Treybig, minister.


Agape Temple, 4510 Ave. Q, 763-8462, W.H. Watson, pastor.

Alexander Chapel, 4510 Avenue P, 747-0465, G. Wayne Pope, pastor.

Christ Temple, 2411 Fir Ave., 744-5334, William Haynes, pastor.

Faith Tabernacle, 2402 23rd St., 747-2064.Ford Memorial Chapel, 1602 Martin Luther King Blvd., 762-0935, Henry C. Johnson, pastor.

Philia Temple, 3212 E. Main St., 747-8668, Clayton D'Andrede, pastor.

Scott Temple, 1709 E. 31st St., 747-8604, Eddie Scott, pastor.

Texas Northwest Jurisdiction, 4510 Avenue Q, 763-7460, W.H. Watson, bishop.

Tree of Life Sanctuary, 4117 E. Second St., 762-1114, Ruben Caro, pastor.


Lubbock Texas Stake and Information, 7014 Frankford, Ave., 798-3507, Jay Jensen, president.

First Ward, 3211 58th St., 795-4241

Fourth Ward, 7014 Frankford Ave., 798-3731

Genealogical Library, 3211 58th St., 792-5040

Institute of Religion, 2625 19th St., 795-4001

Second Ward, 3211 58th St., 799-5297

Third Ward, 7014 Frankford Ave., 798-1667


St. Christopher's, 2807 42nd St., 799-8208, James P. Haney, rector.

St. Paul's on the Plains, 1510 Ave. X, 762-2893, Peter Fritsch, rector.

St. Stephen's, 1101 Slide Road, 799-3439, Clifton Mann, rector.

Northwest Texas Diocese Office, 1802 Broadway, 763-1370, Wallis Ohl, bishop.


First, 10701 Indiana Ave., 745-4593, Tom Wymore, pastor.

Latin Foursquare Gospel, 924 34th St., 762-6616, Jesus Martinez, pastor.


Hope Deliverance Temple, 2812 E. Fourth St., 741-0979 or 741-1014, Charles Tanner, pastor.


Caprock, 2520 80th St., 745-6797 or 765-0963

Central, 6318 34th St., 792-8592.

East, 1907 E. 13th St., 763-1405 or 762-1737.

North Unit Spanish, 6507 Ave. R, 748-1749 or 744-4397.

North East Spanish, 6507 Ave. R, 748-1749 or 744-4397.

Parkway, 1907 E. 13th St., 763-1405 or 765-6043.

Sagewood, 6318 34th St., 792-8592.

South Spanish, 6507 Ave. R, 748-1749 or 744-4397.

West Spanish, 6318 34th St., 792-8592.


Campus ministry, 2615 19th St., 763-3644, Roy Heflin, director of Christian education.

Christ, Missouri Synod, 7800 Indiana Ave., 799-0162, Mark A. Paul, pastor.

Gloria Dei, ELCA, 1706 Slide Road, 795-2283, Robert Barndt, pastor.

Hope Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, 5700 98th St., 798-2747, Jack Schneider, pastor.

Redeemer, Missouri Synod, 2221 Ave. W, 744-6178, Jay B. Beyer, pastor.

Shepherd King, ELCA, 2122 18th St., 762-5080, without a pastor.

Shepherd of the Plains Evangelical, WELS, 5812 73rd St., 794-4203, David Sellnow, pastor.


Agape United, 1215 Slide Road, 799-8691, Ed Peckham, pastor.

Aldersgate United, 10306 Indiana Ave., 745-0595, Mike Schafer, pastor.

Asbury United, 2005 Ave. T, 762-0829, David Treat, pastor.

Bethel AME, 2202 Southeast Drive, 744-7552, Elliot C. Lambert, pastor.Canyon United, corner of FM 40 and FM 1729, 763-0519, Glenda Johnson, pastor.

Carter Chapel, CME, 420 N. Martin Luther King Blvd., 747-4640, Christopher Neal Sr., pastor.

Northern District Office, 4216 64th St., 795-6552, Jesus Bermudez, district superintendent.

Cooper United, on Highway 87 south of Woodrow Road, Woodrow, 863-2254, Ron Strickland, pastor.

Crossroads, 5833 Fourth St., 795-7111, Rusty Sieck, pastor.

Emanuel, 2617 Cornell St., 762-0571, Frank Ortega, pastor.

First United, 1411 Broadway, 763-4607, Cliff Wright Jr., pastor.

Forrest Heights United, 3007 33rd, 795-0621, Namiqa Shipman, pastor.

Korean, 2104 36th St., 744-1388, KangHoon Lee, pastor.

La Trinidad United, 504 46th St., 744-5909, Nohemi Ramirez, pastor.

LakeRidge United, 4701 82nd St., 794-4015, Bill Couch, pastor.

Lubbock District Office, 3403 21st, 796-1336, Kenneth Metzger, district superintendent.

Mount Vernon United, 2304 Cedar Ave., 747-5646, Fred Watson, pastor.

Oakwood United, 2215 58th St., 792-3321, Dr. James Nunn, pastor.

Rio Grande Superintendent Office, 4216 64th St., 795-6552.

St. John's United, 1501 University Ave., 762-0123, Bobby McMillan, pastor.

St. Luke's United, 3717 44th St., 797-4393, Tom Mills, pastor.

St. Matthew's United, 5320 50th St., 799-4170, Rick Burkhalter, pastor.

The Springs, 7302 Upland Ave., 798-3885, Phil McClendon, pastor.

Wesley Foundation, 2420 15th St., 762-8749, Director, Andy Hurst.

Northwest Texas United Methodist Conference Office, 1415 Ave. M., 762-0201, Louise Shock, director.


Islamic Center of the South Plains, 3419 LaSalle Ave., 797-8026.


First, 6110 Chicago Ave., 794-1675, John Donnerberg, pastor.

Monterey, 4308 58th St., 799-8912, Lee Young, pastor.


Armour of Light Church, 3503 Raleigh Ave., 791-5540, Manuel Villareal, pastor.

Buffalo Springs Community Church, Buffalo Springs Lake, 747-8654.

Cathedral of Praise, 2011 East 13th, 763-6900, Gary and Teresa Scoggins, pastors.

Christian Worship Center, 4210 East Municipal Drive, 744-1752, Stanley Martin, pastor.

Christ-Like Christian Fellowship, 80th Street and Ivory Ave., 745-8274.

Church on the Go, 7201 Brownfield Highway, 798-7770, Bracken Christian, pastor.

Church on the Rock, 10503 Slide Road, 798-7990, Jackie White, pastor.

Faith Today Ministries, 1523 94th St., 745-1711, Elvin Water, pastor.

Grace Christian Fellowship Center, 3115 Second St., 762-1660, Thomas Sawyer Jr., pastor.

Grace Church, 3202 34th St., 796-0533, Larry Doyle and Matt McGinnis, pastors.

Hope Center Ministries, Church, 501 34th St., 745-1891 or 741-1460, Tito Ortega, pastor.

Inspired Love Church, 8422 Dartmouth St., 795-0410, Oscar Givens, pastor.

International Family Fellowship (Chinese), 2422 10th St., 799-5251, Robert Sea, pastor.

Living Vine Worship Center, 5151 Aberdeen Ave., 792-2952, Van and Pat Perryman, founder-pastors.

Maranatha Church of the Living God, 4313 Ave. D, 740-0033, Elias Garcia, pastor.

Metropolitan Community Church, 4501 University, 792-5562, Renae Phillips, pastor.

Christ Community at NorthRidge, 5902 11th Place, 793-7041, Jay Fuglaar. St. Paul Historic Church, 1802 Ave. B, 747-4170, Dr. Jim S. Loud, pastor.

Salvation Ministries, 1122 45th St., 793-5433, Mark and Deborah Elvers, pastors.

Smith Temple Community, 6508 Ave. P, 748-1212, D.A. Smith, pastor.

South Plains Bible Chapel, 5402 Quaker Ave., 795-0014, Tim Lambert and Burt Radley, elders.

South Plains Christian Fellowship, 3602 Frankford Ave., 792-3229, Hugh Harris, pastor.

Trinity Church, 7002 Canton Ave., Gary Kirksey, pastor, 792-3363.


El Buen Pastor Pentecostal Holiness, 1111 36th St., 741-0444, Dominga Munoz, pastor.

Faith Tabernacle, 2402 23rd St., 747-2064.

First United, 2102 Fifth St., 763-5291.

Friendship Holy Baptist No. 1, 3301 NCR 27F, 763-9842.

Latin American Pentecostal Church, 2821 E. Fifth St., 763-3509, Frank Garcia Sr., pastor.

New Life Family Center, 2102 Fifth St., 763-5291, Jeff McCreight, pastor.

Alabanza Unida, 1809 34th Street, 741-0387, Ronnie Saldana, pastor.

Westwood Evangelism Center, 87th Street and Upland Avenue, 794-6683, Steve and Kim Shaw, pastors.

Word Aflame, 7803 University Ave., 745-4445, Scott A. Carley, pastor.


Covenant, 4600 48th St., 792-6124, Davis Borden Price, pastor.

Cumberland, 7702 Indiana Ave., 792-3553, Pat Driskell, pastor.

First, 1500 14th St., 763-0401, Ronald Wood, pastor.

Grace, 4820 19th St., 799-6530, Joanne N. Slote, pastor.

Messiah, 1701 E. 10th st., 744-6729, without pastor.

Palo Duro Presbytery, 4820 W. 19th St., 797-2417, Richard A. Schempp, executive presbytor; Joanne Slote, stated clerk.

Westminster, 3321 33rd St., 799-3621, Paul Cunningham, pastor.


Reorganized Church, 1916 66th St., 745-2721, (name to change to Community of Christ in Jan. 2001) 745-2721, Ellen Fry, pastor.


Chapel, 1111 16th St., 765-9434, Mark Satterlee, major.


Congregation Shaareth Israel, 6928 83rd St., 794-7517, no rabbi.


First, 2801 42nd St., 799-1617, Thomas Perchlik, pastor.


First, meeting temporarily at 3808 Quaker Avenue, 744-0747 , Margaret Doherty, pastor.


Baha'i Faith, P.O. Box 10602,

Lubbock 79408-362, 792-1224.

Bible Missionary, 2507 Amherst Ave., 747-8655,without pastor.

Calvary Full Gospel, 1304 25th St., 747-9662, Marvin James.

Christian Life Center, 4210 East Municipal Drive, 744-1752.

Church of God of Prophecy, 8501 Ave. P, 792-2756, Bruce Gregory, pastor. Church of the Living God, 2510 Birch Ave., 765-0503, Willie Barber.

Church of the Living God Temple, No. 92, 408 N. Zenith Ave., 744-6459.

Emmanuel Mar Thoma Church, 81st Street and Ash Avenue, home 797-9354, church 745-5455, Jiji Mathew,pastor.

Faith Worship Tabernacle, 2010 34th St., 740-0553, J.L. Harrison Jr., pastor.

Grace Church, 3202 34th St., 796-0533, Larry Doyle, pastor.

Iglesia Del Dios Vivo, 5022 Martin Luther Blvd., 762-0355.

Live Oak Community Church, 10710 South Frankford, 798-5583, Chuck Williams, pastor.

Metropolitan Community Church, 4501 University Ave., 792-5562, Renae Phillips, pastor.

Ministerios Nueva Vida, 201 N. Boston Ave., 762-5151, Jesus Cisneros, pastor.

Missionary Crusader, 2451 34th St., 799-1040, Homer Duncan, owner; Mark Duncan, executive director.

Non-denominational House of Prayer, 4321 64th St., 744-7982.

Pilgrim House, 1219 16th St., 747-2235, Nina Slate, director.

Unity of Lubbock, 2112 Broadway, 762-8194, without pastor.

Word of Life Tabernacle, 1209 N. Ave. L, 762-5676, Grace Batt, pastor.


Buckner Baptist Children's Home, 129 Brentwood, 795-7151, Melissa Opheim, administrator, Moe Dozier, regional director.

Campus Advance, 2406 Broadway, 765-7115, Adam Looney, minister.

Canterbury Association, 2407 16th St., Texas Tech, 765-0037, David Krause, director.

Casa Bautista Misionera de Publicaciones, 206 Ave. T, 744-6091, Robert Isaacs, managing editor.

Catholic Diocese of Lubbock, 4620 Fourth St., 792-3943, Placido Rodriguez, bishop.

Catholic Family Services Inc., 102 N. Ave. J, 765-8475, Steve Hay, executive director.

Children's Home of Lubbock, 4404 Idalou Highway, 762-0481, Lynn Harms, president.

Christ the King Cathedral Elementary School, 4011 54th St., 795-8283.

Christ the King Cathedral Middle School, 4011 54th St., 795-6477.

Christian Renewal Center, 303 Toledo Ave., 792-1105 or 799-9880.Christian Science Reading Room, 2202 Broadway, 762-1883.

Circle of the Sacred Earth, 763-3786, Charles Conatser, leader.

Committee of Churches In Central Lubbock, 793-1206, Bob Barry, chairman.

Crossroads Samaritan Counseling, 8212 Itahsca St., Suite E6D , 792-7330, Carolyn Crosland, business manager.

His Way In Ministries, Inc., V-TTY, 8414 Ave. X, 745-8831.

Joyful Sound Ministries, 3504 96th St., 795-7505, Mary Baker, ministry director.

Lubbock Baptist Association, 4207 34th St., 791-4442, no director of missions.

Lubbock Christian Schools, 26th Street and Dover Avenue, 796-8700, Peter Dahlstrom, superintendent.

Lubbock Christian University, 5601 19th St., 796-8800, Ken Jones, president.

Lutheran Home of West Texas, 5502 W. 4th St., 793-1111.

Lutheran Social Services of Texas, 2615 19th St., 763-7051.

National Evangelistic Association of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and "Net Results," 5001 Ave. N, 762-8094, Margo Woodworth, executive director.

Neighborhood House II, 1318 Broadway, 741-0459.

Pathway Evangelism, 5760 40th St., Suite B, 788-1996, Joe Barnett, director-owner.

Presbyterian Campus Ministry, 2412 13th St., 763-4391, Mark Davidson, director.

Presbyterian Center Doctor's Clinic, 1318 Broadway, 747-2741.

Salvation Army Social Services, 2010 Clovis Road, 741-1708.

Salvation Army Homeless Shelter, 1120 17th St.

Salvation Army Administration Offices, Church, 1111 16th St.

Sick Children's Clinic, 1002 Ave. A, 762-1805.

Smithlawn Church of Christ Maternity Home, 711 76th St., 745-2574, Joe Phillips, administrator.

Smithlawn Adoption Agency Alternative, 711 65th St., 745-2574.

Sunset International Biblical Institute, 3723 34th St., 792-5191, Truitt Adair, director.

Trinity Christian Schools, 7002 Canton Ave., 792-3363.

Trinity Student Fellowship, 7002 Canton Ave., 792-3363.

Trinity Evangelical Methodist Church, 705 South 18th St., Slaton, 828-6852, Weldon Thomas, interim pastor.University Baptist Mission & Ministry Center, 2420 10th St., 765-6811.

Wayland Baptist University Lubbock Center, 2002 W. Loop 289, 785-9285, Kent Brooks, director.

Young Life, Metro Tower, 763-8106, Glenn Austel, area director.

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