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Sunday, June 1, 2003
Last modified at 8:33 p.m. on Wednesday, May 28, 2003
© 2003 - The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal

CLUBS AND organizations


Hub Lions Club -- 6 p.m. first and third Monday, location to be announced. 745-8565 or 798-8181.

Lubbock Crossroad Lions Club -- noon second Monday and 6 p.m. fourth Monday, River Smith's Chicken & Catfish, 5th Street and Avenue Q. 863-4113.

Lubbock Early Childhood PTA -- 10 a.m. second Monday, Family Ministries Building, LakeRidge Methodist Church, 84th and Salem. 748-1677 or 785-4923.

Man to Man -- 7 p.m. third Monday, American Cancer Society offices, 3411 73rd St. Prostate cancer education and support group. 792-7126.

Prairie Winds Chorus, Sweet Adelines International -- 7 p.m., Calvary Baptist Church, 5301 82nd St. 799-7464.

Scrabble Players Club No. 124 -- 6:30 p.m., call for location. 744-7702 or 793-3918.

South Plains Iris Society -- 7 p.m., fourth Monday, Mahon Library, 1306 9th St. 797-6913.

South Plains Quilters Guild -- 10 a.m. second Monday, Lubbock Municipal Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 795-3680.

Texas Heritage Chapter of the American Business Women's Association -- 7 p.m. second Monday, Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway. 744-3041.

West Texas Chapter, Embroiderers Guild of America -- 9:30 a.m. first Monday, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 4600 48th St. 791-1199.


American Business Women's Association, Silver Spur chapter -- 7 p.m. fourth Tuesday, Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway. 799-4273.

Blarney Stone Equestrian 4-H Club -- 6:30 p.m. second Tuesday, Blarney Stone Equestrian Center, 6612 114th Street. For children ages18 and younger; horses not required. 794-5888.

Chaparral Quilter's Guild -- 7 p.m. second Tuesday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 792-8636.

Civil Air Patrol, Lubbock Composite Squadron -- 7:30 p.m. first and third Tuesday, Lubbock International Airport industrial complex. Cadets ages 13-18, senior members ages 18-older. 749-1488 or 795-3806.

Extension Education Club -- 10 a.m. first and third Tuesday, Precinct 2 Community Center, 750 W. Garza St., Slaton. 745-5329.

George S. Berry American Legion Post 575 -- 8 p.m., second Tuesday, 7 p.m. fourth Tuesday. Post Home, 6628 W. 66th St. 761-4739 or 763-5121.

Golden K Kiwanis -- 7 a.m., Carillon dining room, 1717-B Norfolk Ave. Breakfast and program. 535-2827 or 785-9285.

Heritage Study Club -- 11:30 a.m. third Tuesday September through May. Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway. 799-7346.

Hispanic Association of Women -- 5:30 p.m. second Tuesday, Lubbock Independent School District Central Office. Meets August through May. 797-7233.

Lubbock Camera Club -- 7:30 p.m. second Tuesday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 792-0105.

Lubbock Chapter of the Association of Women in Communication -- noon first and second Tuesday, Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway. 766-8620.

Lubbock Gem and Mineral Society -- 7:30 p.m. first Tuesday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 746-4936 or 894-1584.

Lubbock Insurance Association -- noon second Tuesday, Mickie's Steakhouse, 8301 Indiana Ave. 798-9065.

Lubbock Legal Secretaries Association -- 7 p.m.,third Tuesday. Call for location. 775-1040.

Lubbock Lions Club -- noon, Lubbock Memorial Civic Center banquet room or Koko Palace, 5101 Ave. Q 763-4789.

Lubbock Mothers of Multiples -- 6:30 p.m. third Tuesday, Southcrest Baptist Church, 3801 S. Loop 289. 722-0663.

Lubbock Toastmasters -- 6:30 a.m., McInturff Center, University Medical Center. 765-0411.

Optimist Club of Lubbock -- noon, Mickie's Steakhouse, 8301 Indiana Ave. 744-2336.

Singles Mingle -- 7 p.m., First United methodist Church Outreach Center, 1520 13th St. 791-3555.

Soroptimist International of Lubbock -- noon third Tuesday, Mickie's Steakhouse, 8301 Indiana Ave. Program. 788-2819.

South Plains Day Home Association -- 7 p.m. third Tuesday, St. Matthew's United Methodist Church, 5320 50th St. 793-8131.

South Plains Coin Club -- 7 p.m. third Tuesday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 792-0428.

South Plains Genealogy Society -- 7 p.m. second Tuesday and some Saturdays, Mahon Library, 1306 Ninth St. 792-6606.

South Plains Ostomy Association -- 6:30 p.m. third Tuesday, 3411 73rd St. 745-6472.

South Plains Stamp Club -- 7:30 p.m. third Tuesday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 799-5410.

That Stamp Club -- 7 p.m. fourth Tuesday, Down Memory Lane, 6405 Indiana Ave. For rubber stampers. 797-3107.

West Texas Chapter, Embroiderers Guild of America -- 7 p.m. first Tuesday, Covenant Presbyterian Church, 4600 48th St. 791-1199.


Nancy Anderson Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution -- 11:30 a.m. third Wednesday, Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway. 797-6602.

Downtown Toastmasters -- noon-1 p.m., Lubbock Inn, 3901 19th St. 747-9585.

Homeless Consortium -- noon first Wednesday, South Plains Food Bank, 4612 Locust Ave. 763-3003.

National Association of Current and Retired Federal Employees Chapter 244 --11:30 a.m. first Wednesday, Mickie's Steakhouse, 8301 Indiana Ave. 799-6796.

OSCar Talks Toastmasters -- noon, Operator Service Co., 5302 Ave. Q. 766-6831.

Service Corps of Retired Executives -- 10 a.m. second Wednesday, SCORE office, 1405 Texas Ave., room 411-D. 472-7462 extension 226.

Soroptimist International of Lubbock -- noon fourth Wednesday, Mickie's Steakhouse, 8301 Indiana Ave. Business. 788-2819.

Southwest Regional Balloon Club -- 7 p.m. second Wednesday, ground floor classroom, PNB Financial, 5010 University Ave. 863-2856.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2466 -- 8 p.m., Eagle Lodge 4271, 507 County Road 7300. 747-2668.


Articulate Toastmasters -- 7 p.m., Monterey Church of Christ fellowship hall, 3616 58th St. 797-0633.

Toasters Toastmasters --7 a.m., Knipling Education Center, Covenant Medical Center. 797-6717.

Carillon House Family Support Group -- 5:30 pm. third Thursday, Carillon House, 1717 Norfolk Ave., 3rd flood conference room. 281-6117.

Eastside Toastmasters -- noon, Children's Home of Lubbock, 4404 Idalou Highway. 762-0481.

Granny Stitchers -- 7 p.m., 2406 33rd St. Cloth doll club. 828-5412 or 795-6639.

Lubbock Advertising Federation -- noon fourth Thursday, LakeRidge Country Club, 8802 Vicksburg Ave. 745-9004.

Lubbock Area Republican Women -- 11:45 a.m. fourth Thursday, Lubbock Club, 1300 Broadway. 744-7188.

Kiwanis Club of Lubbock -- noon, Mickie's Steakhouse, 8301 Indiana Ave. 741-8803.

Lubbock Memorial Arboretum Foundation Board Meeting -- 7 p.m. third Thursday, 4111 University Ave. 797-4520.

Lubbock Woodworkers Club -- 7 p.m. first Thursday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 866-4758 or 742-1892, ext. 248.

Petal Pushers Garden Club -- 9:30 a.m. second Thursday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. Meets September through May. 795-4981.

Smoothing the Way Home School Support Group -- 7 p.m. monthly August through May, call for dates, Grove Library, 5520 19th St. 766-7364.

South Plains Lions Club -- noon, River Smith's Chicken & Catfish, Fifth Street and Avenue Q. 794-2331 or 792-1432.

South Plains Plant Society -- 7 p.m. fourth Thursday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. Meets February through October. 748-6333.

South Plains Toastmasters -- noon, community room, Mahon Library, 1306 9th St. 799-5417.

Texas Retired Teachers Association, Lubbock South Plains Chapter -- 11:30 a.m. fourth Thursday, Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway. 797-7870.

West Texas Wizards, International Brotherhood of Magicians, Ring No. 217 -- 7:30 p.m. first Thursday, Carillon Club House, 1717 Norfolk Ave. 281-6365.


Downtown Chapter of the American Business Club -- noon, 50-Yard Line Restaurant, 2549 S. Loop 289. 763-4665.

Lubbock Music Teachers Association -- 9:30 a.m. first Friday September through November, January and March through May, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 745-1445.

Ale-ian Society of Lubbock -- 7 p.m. second Friday, Lubbock Homebrew Supply, 1718 Buddy Holly Ave. 763-7480.

New Neighbors Club -- 10:30 a.m. second Friday, various locations. 794-2783.


Lubbock Memorial Arboretum Foundation -- 9:30 a.m. second Saturday, 4111 University Ave. Educational program. 797-4520.

Lubbock Senior Dance Association -- 7 p.m.-10 p.m. second and fourth Saturdays, 2001 19th St. Live country music. Non-smoking and non-drinking. 745-2504 or 794-8367.

Military Order of the Purple Heart -- 9:45 a.m. first Saturday, Jo Ann's Restaurant, 710 Highway 62-82 in Wolfforth. 296-9379, 763-1701, 792-5000, 799-1252.

Newcomer's Couples Bridge Club -- 7 p.m. second Saturday, Bridge Center, 2563 74th St. 795-8549.

South Plains Woodcarvers Guild -- 9 a.m. second Saturday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 799-2224.


American Contract Bridge League -- Bridge Center, 2563 74th St. Slates bridge games for various player levels daily. 745-2817.

Daughters of the Republic of Texas -- times, days, sites vary. 796-7044.

Chaparral Cycling Club -- conducts various mountain and road bike rides weekly. 792-8573 or 798-3342.

Lubbock Area Square and Round Dance Federation -- Schedules various dances throughout area weekly. 795-1434.

Lubbock Green -- noon Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Wall of Honor Room, South Plains Food Bank, 4612 Locust Ave. 762-3831 or 632-6318.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Lubbock/South Plains Chapter -- 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, 916 Main St., suite 606. 793-6233.

Lubbock Bicycle Club -- Conducts various rides throughout the city weekly. 794-1900.

Ranch Hosts -- March spring meeting, October fall meeting. Interpreters at the National Ranching Center. 797-0428, 742-0498.

South Plains Obedience Training Club of Lubbock -- Dog training. 794-1256, 791-7587.

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