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![]() Last modified at 6:05 p.m. on Friday, June 16, 2000 © 2000 - The Lubbock Avalanche-Journal
It is unlawful to take or attempt to take or possess wildlife resources within a protected length limit in greater numbers, by other means, or at anytime or place, than indicated within this guide.
While hunting, persons 17 years of age and older must carry on their person a drivers license or personal identification certificate issued by the Department of Public Safety.
Waste of Game: It is a violation to fail to keep all edible portions of a game bird or game animals in edible condition until the game reaches its final destination. A reasonable effort must be made to retrieve all game birds and game animals, and they must be killed immediately and become part of the bag limit.
Inspection: It is unlawful to refuse a game warden permission to inspect wildlife resources in an automobile, game bag or other container.
It is against the law to hunt on privately owned lands without the permission of the owner or the owner's agent.
Quail Season
Statewide (all counties): season generally runs from late October to lat February,
Pheasants, Panhandle: generally middle through late December. Coastal: generally late October to late February.
Prairie Chickens: season occurs only in selected counties in the state and generally lasts for a few days in October.
Chachalaca: same as quail.
Archery: season generally runs almost the entire month of October.
Special Youth Season: two selected days during archery season.
Gun: Fall Season.
North Texas: season generally runs from early November to early January.
South Texas: season generally runs from middle November to middle January.
Spring General Season, North Texas: season generally runs from early April to Early May.
South Texas: season generally runs from late March to late May.
Eastern Turkey: East Texas (24 counties): generally encompasses two weeks in middle to late April.
White-tailed deer
Archery: season generally runs most of entire month of October.
Special Youth Season: two selected days during archery season.
Gun: North Texas: generally early November to early January; Panhandle counties: generally middle to late November through early December; South Texas: generally middle November through January 16.
Spike buck & antlerless only: generally middle through late January.
Muzzleloader (47 counties), antlerless only: generally early to middle January.
Mule Deer, Archery: season runs generally from early through late October.
Gun, Panhandle: generally middle November through early December.
Panhandle Counties (5 counties): generally early November through early December.
Javelina: (in certain counties) generally runs from first of October through late February.
Alligator: (by permit) season generally runs from middle through late September.
Pronghorn Antelope: (by permit) season generally runs from early through mid-October.
Squirrel: (in certain counties) generally the entire month of May, and also early October through early February.
Rabbits and Hares: No closed season.
Migratory Birds
Note: Federal regulations for the 2000-01 migratory seasons will not be officially set until August.
Ducks, Merganser, Coot, High Plains Mallard Management Unit: Oct.23-26, and Oct. 30-Jan.23.
South Zone: Oct. 30-Nov. 28, and Dec. 11-Jan. 23.
Special Youth Day: Oct. 23.
Falconry: Oct. 23; Jan. 24; Feb. 8.
North Zone: Oct. 30-31, and Nov. 13-Jan. 23.
Special Youth Day: Oct. 23.
Falconry: Oct. 23; Jan. 24; Feb. 8.
Canada Geese: Oct. 30-Jan. 23.
Option A: Oct. 31-Jan. 31.
Note: Fees and regulations for the 2000-01 hunting and fishing seasons had not been set yet.
1999-2000 HUNTING &
Resident Hunting (Type 101): $19.
Required by any resident unless the resident possess a valid:
Valid only for residents and non-residents under the age of, residents 65 years of age and older, and certain disabled veterans. Valid to hunt any legal bird or animal except alligators.
Resident "Super Combo" License Package (type 111): $49.
Package includes Resident Combination Hunting and Fishing license and 7 stamp fees ( waterfowl, turkey, white-wing dove, archery, muzzleloader, saltwater fishing and freshwater trout) at a discount price. $82 value if purchased separately.
Resident Combination Hunting and Fishing (type 100): $32.
Valid for both hunting and fishing for Texas residents only.
Non-resident General Hunting (Type 105): $250.
Valid to hunt any legal bird or animal except alligators.
Non-resident Spring Turkey (Type 118): $100.
Valid to hunt turkey only during the open spring turkey season. Holders of this license are exempt from the Turkey Stamp Fee requirements (Unlawful to possess this license and a valid Non-resident General Hunting License).
Non-resident Special Hunting (Type 107): $100.
Valid to hunt exotic animals, all legal game birds (except turkeys), all non-game animals (except alligators), and squirrel and javelina.
Non-resident 5-Day Special Hunting (Type 157): $35.
Legal for any period five days in a row. Valid to hunt exotic animals, all legal game birds (except turkeys), all non-game animals (except alligators), and squirrel and javelina.
Hunting Lease License (Types 132, 133 and 134): Required for anyone who leases hunting rights or charges a fee for hunting land that they own or control.
License Fee: $50 for 1 through 499 acres; $100 for 500 through 999 acres; or $200 for a 1000 or more acres.
Resident Fishing License (Type 201): $19.
Required of any Texas resident who fishes in the public waters of Texas (all members of the U.S. armed services on active duty are considered residents). You do not need this license if you are under 17, 65 years of age or older before Sept. 1, 1995, or a mentally disabled person engaging in fishing for therapeutic reasons.
Temporary (3-day) Resident Sportfishing License (Type 220): $10.
Valid for 3 days in a row for a Texas resident.
Temporary (14-day) Resident Sportfishing License (Type 210): $12.
Valid for 14 days in a row for a Texas resident.
Special Resident Fishing License (Type 203): $6.
Required of a Texas resident fishing public waters who become 65 years of age on Sept. 1, 1995 or later, a person who is legally blind, and any individual who possesses a General Commercial Fishing License.
Non-Resident Temporary (5-day) (Type 205): $30.
Required of any non-resident who fishes in the public waters of Texas (all members of the U.S. armed services on active duty are considered residents). You do not need this license if you are under 17, 65 years of age or older before Sept. 1, 1995, or a mentally disabled person engaging in fishing for therapeutic reasons.
Temporary (5-day) Non-Resident Fishing (Type 207): $20.
Valid for five consecutive days for non-residents.
Archery Stamp Fee (Type 135); $7.
Required of residents and non-residents who hunt deer or turkey during the Archery-Only open season.
Muzzleloader Hunting Stamp Fee (Type 187): $10.
Required of residents and non-residents who hunt with a muzzleloader.
Texas Waterfowl Stamp Fee (Type 139): $7.
Required of residents and non-residents who hunt waterfowl (ducks, geese, brant and coot). A valid federal Duck Stamp is also required of waterfowl hunters 16 years of age or older.
Turkey Stamp Fee (Type 119): $5.
Required of residents and non-residents who hunt turkey.
White-winged Dove Stamp Fee (Type 126): $7.
Required of residents and non-residents who hunt white-winged dove.
Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp ("Duck Stamp"): $15.
Required of all waterfowlers 16 years of age or older available at most post offices and all TPWD offices.
Federal Sandhill Crane Hunting Permit (Type 590): Free.
Required of all sandhill crane hunters; available at all license deputy sales locations.
Hunters under the age of 17 are not required to purchase any state stamps
Freshwater Trout Stamp Fee (type 212): $7.
This stamp is required in addition to a valid fishing license in you attempt to take freshwater trout.
Saltwater Sportfishing Stamp Fee Type 211): $7.
This stamp is required in addition to a valid fishing license if you fish in the public coastal waters of Texas.
Tarpon Tag (Type 215): $100.
This tag is required in addition to a valid fishing license in order to take a tarpon that is 80 inches or greater in length.
Red Drum Tag: Free.
This tag is required for an individual to take one red drum per license year over the maximum length of 28 inches.
Every hunter (including out-of-state hunters) born after September 2, 1971, must successfully complete a Hunter Education Training Course.
If you were born on or after Sept. 2, 1971, and you are:
Age 17 or over, you must successfully complete a hunter education course
Age 12 through 16, you must successfully complete a hunter education course or be accompanied by a licensed hunter 17 years of age or older.
Under 12 years of age, you must be accompanied by a licensed hunter 17 years of age or older.
Minimum age of certification is 12 years and the cost of certification is $10.
Proof of certification is required to be on your person while hunting; it is not required to purchase a license. In the Lubbock area, John Day heads the hunter education courses that are available monthly and twice a month from August through December. Classes are limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost of the course is $5 and those interested in attending should contact the Lubbock office of the TPWD.
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